and so it was; but then there are those that roam the streets thinking it might be fun to create a little havoc. Today my hubby and I spent the day looking for signs that "had disappeared overnight" - hooray, there they were stashed in the bushes and tossed over the fence; ....two out of six aint bad......Robyn and Jacque placed one in front of our venue (PCYC) as it was a polling station for the State elections, and it caused a quite lot of interest. Hopefully they wil stay put and "draw the crowds". Hope everyone's geared up for what should be a great day.....Our "To Market To Market" article just down a little is a great article written by one of our own committee, Lauren Carpenter and really says it all. I think all of the market events are a credit to the organisers and that people are starting to put two and two together and get a lot more pleasure from the "shopping experience"
Anyway, here's a look at all of our fantastic "makers"............spread the word