Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Makers" of Tasty Treats needed

What we know need are "Makers" of biscuits, cakes, cupcakes; chocolates, sweets, relishes or sauces  for the 5 December Market.

Visitors to the EastSide "Makers" Market like to take a break from looking and shopping and relax in our coffee shop over a coffee from own barista and enjoy a tasty biscuit or piece of cake. Also food treats are a great gift for just about anyone.

Please call Robyn on 0427280928 for more details or email
 for an application.
Remember the 5 December Market is only 5 weeks away.

5 December EastSide "Makers" Market applications close

We have had alot of amazing applications for the 5 December EastSide Makers Market.
There are so many talented "Makers" in Tasmania.
The committee will be meeting on Tuesday 9 December to finalise stallholders. We will notify all appicants asap after the meeting.