Well, it seems a long time since I've updated information; but rest assured we are on track and have lots of lovely makers ready and waiting to take part in our second market day on
SUNDAY JUNE 6........We're notifying participants on a daily basis and will have the final notices out by the end of this week; plus more pics . But just want to give you some info on the committee just to keep you interested, so here goes:
Robyn Davies

Having been an art teacher in a past life Robyn has moved on somewhat.
She is to be found with her beautiful collection of re-styled clothing and jewellery and her label is “
Revisited” – I think that says it all as her inherent style comes through in her works – She has an amazing “stash” of all things creative and is constantly seeing new ways of adapting clothing and items of fashion.
Lauren Carpenter
"EraZistable" is a very appropriate title for Lauren and her label. Her amazing knowledge of fashion history and her ability to visualize and set a scene to fit any scenario is amazing – having been an art teacher she knows just how to get a particular effect for whatever task is at hand. Being a collector she wants the responsibility of getting rid of her “collection” and getting it out there in another format. It’s double the fun – double the vision.
Judy Walker
Just Jude” is a free spirit and fantastic basket maker and creator of wonderful clothing – she has an enviable collection of fabrics, beads and basket materials, just to name a few, to draw inspiration from. Her baskets are inspired from the environment around her and are created from a multitude of fibres.
Felicity Matthews
Felicity is a print-maker, stitcher and generally a very creative spirit – She is able to put pen to paper to capture ideas then transfer them to fabric with amazing results. Always aware of pattern and colour, she sees pattern and colour in the environment around her, whether it be leaf litter on the forest floor, seaweed on the beach or pattern on the leaves in her garden. She constantly stitching pieces of fabric, some for use in current projects, others just filed away for future use.